The Publishers platform is significantly enhancing the growth potential for businesses focused on creating a commerce-driven internet ecosystem, and Button has impressively exceeded $1 billion in monthly commerce generated through its platform. Button, a leader in commerce optimization technology powered by artificial intelligence, has recently unveiled a new feature known as Button for Publishers.

This innovative addition is designed to help publishers maximize their earnings from commerce-related agreements. As part of Button’s suite of commerce optimization solutions, publishers are now equipped with a groundbreaking tool, powered by artificial intelligence, that optimizes the purchasing paths for the traffic they direct to merchants.

Button leverages advanced artificial intelligence, currently under consideration for a patent, to significantly improve the effectiveness of commerce traffic by identifying the most optimal conversion paths. This capability allows Button to seamlessly integrate with the existing relationships between publishers and retailers without requiring any modifications to the existing partnership structures or the need to shift affiliations. Publishers can quickly realize the benefits of Button’s technology by utilizing their pre-existing relationships with merchants and affiliate networks, making it effortless to adopt the Button for Publishers platform.

Button’s strategy incorporates a sophisticated mix of artificial intelligence, reinforcement learning, route optimization, and mobile deep-linking technologies. This combination has proven effective, consistently achieving a 40% increase in engagement from open web traffic and doubling the performance from social traffic. The system enhances buyer conversion rates by identifying and rectifying broken user experiences and attribution errors. It also improves customer journeys by continuously experimenting with various conversion flows to ensure that users are directed along the most effective paths to purchase.

The enhancement of mobile commerce traffic that we achieved through our collaboration with Button has led to increased revenue and improved customer experiences. It’s crucial to emphasize how instrumental the Button team has been throughout this entire process. Typically, the implementation of such projects can be slow and complex; however, the Button team worked at a remarkable pace with us. They aided in carrying out quality assurance efficiently and effectively, proving themselves to be exceptional partners in this endeavor. Becca Maier, Vice President of Commerce at Buzzfeed, summed it up by saying, “The solution and relationship that Button has provided is a win-win situation for everyone involved!”

Furthermore, Button for Publishers enhances the publishers’ ability to gain insights from their existing dashboards. The platform can be implemented using a low-code approach, enabling publishers to easily assess the impact and performance of their applications without needing extensive technical adjustments. This feature facilitates a smoother integration and allows publishers to quickly leverage the advantages offered by Button for Publishers.

“At Button, we are committed to supporting the internet of the future, which is an internet powered by commerce and business models that are centered on commerce,” stated Michael Jaconi, the Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Button. Unveiling Button for Publishers is a significant move in that direction, as publishers are looking for methods to generate more value and more cash from their traffic in response to the ever-increasing difficulties posed by the digital ecosystem.

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