If you’re a solo attorney, chances are that when you started your practice, you did not think too much about how to market yourself and your services. After all, consumers need legal representation — what you are providing is necessary, so you should not have to sell it too hard. Chances are also that if this was your initial approach, it did not take you too long to realize why it falls short. In many markets across the country, attorneys are not in short supply, so setting yourself apart has not proven to be easy. On top of that, it may seem like lawyers with qualifications and services similar to yours are doing a much better job of standing out and drawing in new work. How?
This might leave you wondering how to best make up for lost time. What is the best way to get your name out there and bring paying clients in the door? If you would like to grow your solo practice, explore new marketing channels, or find the most effective marketing techniques to develop robust pipelines of leads and sources of new work, then this guide is for you.