Prebid auctions are revolutionised by Mile’s AI-powered dynamic flooring, which also increases RPMs by twenty percent.

With the launch of its AI-Powered Dynamic Flooring, Mile, a prominent business in the field of advertising technology, is revolutionising the way in which publishers monetize their ad inventory. This cutting-edge technology makes use of machine learning to automate floor pricing within the Prebid stack. Its purpose is to improve the effectiveness of Prebid auctions and considerably raise Prebid RPMs by an average of twenty percent.

Publishing companies can significantly enhance their profitability with the adoption of AI-Powered Dynamic Flooring. This advanced technology enables them to dynamically establish pricing floors, tailored to previous purchasing trends and inventory performance. By leveraging machine learning, the model analyzes a comprehensive set of site-specific data, including audience demographics, geographic areas, ad units, devices, and browsers. This meticulous analysis helps in accurately determining the value of each impression and setting optimal price floors.

As a result, publishers are prevented from underselling their advertising inventory, which in turn ensures higher fill rates. The ability to dynamically adjust pricing based on real-time data means that publishers can respond swiftly to market changes, optimizing their revenue potential. This intelligent approach not only safeguards the value of their ad inventory but also enhances the efficiency of their monetization strategies.

After the flooring module has been engaged, it will continuously improve itself by means of a feedback loop, doing adjustments to the floors in real time based on the performance of the bids. The model applies, observes, and is responsible for revising the floors for each and every auction within a four-minute window, regardless of the devices, browsers, geographical locations, and other factors. Maintaining a balance between the increase in revenue and the activity of bidding is made easier by this continuous monitoring.

Early adopters have reported remarkable outcomes, including a staggering increase of around 21% in Prebid RPM and a remarkable gain of approximately 17% in Prebid CPM when compared to control groups who did not utilise the flooring solution. One of the most prominent publishers, for example, saw its Prebid revenue increase from 10% to 21% in just six weeks, which is a clear indication of the significant impact that this technology has.

When it comes to Google Ad Manager (GAM), publishers frequently face a difficult decision when deciding between dynamic floor pricing solutions and Unified Pricing Rules (UPR). However, it is essential to keep in mind that the most effective way to communicate the worth of the inventory to bidders is to use Prebid to pass floor values in the bid request. Upstream partners are able to target campaigns that perfectly match the bid request through the utilisation of this strategy, which enables them to alter their bid responses in accordance with the criteria.

The implementation of this strategy guarantees a greater alignment between the value of the inventory and the expectations of the bidders, which ultimately results in optimised campaign targeting and enhanced revenue outcomes.

Mile’s Dynamic Flooring technology, which is powered by artificial intelligence, gives publishers the ability to maximise their earnings from partners connected through Prebid. According to Vijay Kumar, the founder and CEO of Mile, “This revolutionary solution guarantees the highest bids and provides publishers with greater control over their inventory and price.”

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