A new set of campaign tools provides web environment reporting with 100% survivable data signals and CTV with transparency insights.

Peer39, the preeminent international provider of quality and contextual suitability solutions for contemporary marketers, has introduced its new Analytics suite today. This data visualization toolkit for campaign performance, suitability, and quality integrates ad data from over 150 inputs and offers a comprehensive examination of in-app mobile, online, and web video placements, as well as CTV.

Buyers of advertisements now have the option to evaluate and improve campaigns based on a compilation of modern performance data. These insights include Quality, Safety and Suitability, Attention and Viewability (with respect to Context), and Keyword Performance signals. Advertising agencies are aided in refining their campaigns in accordance with the most significant metrics by this extraordinary assortment of data signals, each of which can be tolerated in the absence of the cookie.

Mario Diez, CEO of Peer39 mentioned that over the last several decades, audience targeting has essentially consumed the entirety of the advertising industry’s measurement and analytics expertise and those strategies are not translatable in the absence of third-party cookies. Advertisers are presented with unparalleled reporting capabilities within the Analytics application, which delves into contextual categories that have the potential to influence various key performance indicators and contemporary insights. He mentioned that this type of comprehension has been neglected for far too long; however, it is now an absolute necessity in light of the imminent impact that 1:1 audience targeting strategies will inevitably have.

At a critical juncture in the advertising industry, where brands and agencies are attempting to manage signal loss from cookie deprecation and the growing significance of CTV advertising, this new toolset is introduced. Peer39’s Analytics bundle provides a series of actionable insights that aid purchasers in navigating both issues and making well-informed decisions. These reporting insights remain scalable and usable well into the future, as they are not dependent on alternative identifiers or cookies.

An element of the Analytics suite is keyword performance reporting, which provides advertisers with an in-depth comprehension of the contextual performance of a given keyword.

  • CTV quality and transparency reporting to evaluate content adjacency, completion rate, exposure to false content, and more.
  • Reporting on contextual insights enables visibility, addressability, and discovery in relation to new attention metrics and indexing.
  • Ease of use with the preferred DSP. Every dimension present in the Analytics platform is precisely matched with pre-bid segment segments offered by top DSPs, thereby facilitating the execution of optimizations by buyers.

“The only certainty regarding the future of advertising is that campaigns will depend on data signals that are not associated with consumers through cookies,” stated Lee Beale, crossmedia’s managing partner. “Contextual has emerged as one of the best methods to ensure future performance, but we need a deeper understanding of page context, keywords, and the environments that generate results in order to achieve replicable campaign outcomes.” “Peer39 Analytics Dashboard provides actionable insights into the convergence of the most influential performance determinants, and it integrates seamlessly with our campaign workflow.”

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