Pipeline360, a division of Integrate, has unveiled an innovative display advertising platform that pairs with content syndication to offer a comprehensive Branded Demand solution. This user-friendly and adaptable platform is designed specifically for B2B marketing, utilizing AI and first-party data segments to facilitate customizable account targeting at every stage of the buying process. By combining brand awareness through display advertising with demand generation via content syndication, this integrated approach enhances performance and yields a nearly 40% higher return on investment at scale.

According to the current environment, business-to-business (B2B) marketers are confronted with severe data privacy requirements. These policies include the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union, the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) of Brazil, the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) of China, and various state-specific legislation in the United States. The combination of these rules and Google’s impending cookie deprecation will drastically restrict access to data belonging to third parties, which will make it difficult to scale display advertisements. A recent study conducted by Pipeline360 and Demand Metric found that 93 percent of business-to-business (B2B) marketers place a high priority on data privacy and compliance inside their respective organisations.

Tony Uphoff, President of Pipeline360, stated that they are committed to addressing the critical challenges B2B marketers face, such as data privacy restrictions, the shift to digital-first buying, and budget constraints. Their new display ad platform, integrated with their content syndication solution, empowers marketers to execute Branded Demand programs that deliver superior performance and measurable results.

Pipeline360’s new platform is purpose-built to enhance the efficiency and impact of B2B marketing campaigns. Key features include:

  • Improved Reach

The platform leverages AI and first-party segments to drive high-quality, impactful outreach, maximizing media budgets and efficiency.

  • Flexible Campaigns

Customizable account lists allow for tailored campaigns targeted at ideal company profiles. Unified lists across display campaigns and content syndication ensure audience consistency and optimized account management throughout the campaign lifecycle. The platform supports twice the number of creative units, enabling the integration of display ads with content syndication for a cohesive Branded Demand approach that enhances ROI and unifies marketing strategies.

  • Enhanced Reporting and Analytics

Real-time visibility into campaign performance is provided through dashboards and reports. Users can download, schedule, and automate data delivery to external teams or systems via email, enabling campaign optimization, transparency, and accelerated time-to-value.

Branded Demand represents the convergence of brand awareness and demand generation. This approach ensures that when sales teams engage with potential clients, those clients are already familiar with the brand. Rather than constantly pushing for meetings, sales teams can adopt a more supportive role, offering additional content and education to prospects. This aligns with the evolving dynamics of the buyer’s journey, allowing for a more natural and effective engagement process.

In summary, Pipeline360’s new display advertising platform, combined with content syndication, offers a robust solution for B2B marketers facing the challenges of data privacy and the digital-first buying shift. By leveraging AI and first-party data, the platform provides customizable and efficient campaigns, enhanced reporting, and a unified Branded Demand approach that drives superior performance and ROI.

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