Rockerbox is pleased to announce the launch of an integration with TikTok, which will facilitate the measurement and visualisation of the effectiveness of advertisers’ TikTok campaigns. Customers of Rockerbox can now observe the financial repercussions of the views and visibility of their TikTok advertisement videos on sales and revenue.

Around five million enterprises in the United States utilise the platform to connect with and be captivated by TikTok’s one billion monthly active users worldwide. These users visit the application to shop, discover new information, and be entertained. In order to capitalise on the potential of TikTok’s exceptionally engaged user base, this novel TikTok integration grants advertisers access to Rockerbox’s measurement platform, which enables them to ascertain the financial ramifications of every user interaction on TikTok, including conversions and revenue.

The integration provides B2C advertisers with a comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness of their TikTok advertising by displaying content views in addition to TikTok actions. The measurement of views is crucial in order to comprehensively comprehend the influence that TikTok has on advertisers’ campaigns. Brands can now assess the distinctively impactful contribution of TikTok to their customers’ purchasing journey, thereby rationalising increased investments and time dedicated to the platform.

The outcomes of a sequence of preliminary evaluations carried out by Rockerbox spoke volumes. With the incorporation of TikTok, advertisers observed almost 75% improvement in cost per acquisition (CPA) and a 6x increase in conversions when compared to metrics based solely on clicks.

Rockerbox played a crucial role in assisting brands such as TULA, a cosmetics and beauty company, to comprehend their performance on TikTok: Caroline Valenzano, director of growth marketing for TULA, stated that Rockerbox is the foundation of their media decisions and their primary source of truth. The integration of TikTok greatly augments their confidence and clarity. Prior to this integration, they were aimlessly optimising; whereas they now have a clearer understanding of the way forward.

In addition to furnishing marketers with insights regarding the revenue implications of TikTok, Rockerbox’s platform further assists them in comprehending the platform’s function within the wider marketing funnel. This entails, among other things, determining which strategies on TikTok are most effective at the top, middle, or bottom of the sales funnel, comparing its conversion rates to those of other marketing channels, and analysing the differences in user engagement between new and returning visitors with TikTok advertisements. This capability enables the disclosure of additional figures that underscore the distinctive influence of TikTok on the business world. As an illustration, nearly sixty percent of brands utilising Rockerbox to evaluate TikTok report reduced total customer acquisition costs for new customers compared to other digital platforms, according to customer data.

“We are ecstatic to collaborate with TikTok on this enhanced integration.” Rockerbox CEO and Co-founder Ron Jacobson remarked that it is an honour to be able to provide this level of visibility into the platform’s performance, given the undeniable influence of TikTok in the advertising industry.” “I am eager to see how far this partnership takes us and how many additional B2C brands we can assist with this enhanced level of analytics insight.”

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